ברכות לעמיתנו נגה אלון שזכה בפרס Donald E. Knuth לשנת 2022
מבית הספר למדעי המתמטיקה
הפרס ניתן על תרומות מהותיות ולאורך זמן ליסודות מדעי המחשב.
הנימוקים לפרס כוללים את הפתיח הבא:
The 2022 Donald E. Knuth Prize is awarded to Noga Alon, Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University and Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Tel Aviv University, for foundational contributions in combinatorics and graph theory and applications to fundamental topics in computer science.
For over three decades, Alon has made significant contributions at the interface between discrete mathematics and computer science, creating and fortifying lasting bridges between the two communities. His works include many seminal results that influenced a wide variety of important research directions in computer science.
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