סמינר בחוג לגיאופיזיקה: Simple Complex Phenomenon of Urban Parking

Itzhak Benenson, Department of Geography and Human Environment, TAU

13 במרץ 2017, 11:00 
בניין שנקר פיזיקה, אולם הולצבלט, 007 
סמינר בחוג לגיאופיזיקה


To validate understanding of the dynamic system, one has to forecast its state in a reasonably far future. Physicist can be satisfied with the forecast of aggregate characteristics of the system, while a geographer is interested in forecasting system’s spatial pattern. 


Until now, quantitative geography is successful in predicting fast and reversible components of the urban systems, usually those that are related to urban transportation. In regards to the slow and irreversible processes, such as land-use dynamics, we are more successful in explaining why the forecast is hardly possible. 


I present and investigate several models of urban parking dynamics, one of the simplest urban transportation phenomena. Based on the model results, I propose parking policies that improve the state of urban transportation and discuss the ability of society to implement these policies.




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